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As a competitive swimming club, Pentaqua expects all swimmers to enter swimming competitions, but we also understand this can be stressfull for some swimmers. We will therefore work with the swimmer to help them overcome any concerns they have.


The club targets meets throughout they year with a view of achieving the qualifying times for County, Regional and National competition. There are different levels of meets which allow swimmers to compete against other swimmers of similar age and speed. Level 1,2 and some Level 3 meets require qualifying times with Level 1 meets being for the fastest swimmers.



Who can enter?


You will be invited to enter a meet depending on your current PBs and you will be advised which meets you should enter.


There is an expectation that the swimmer will make every effort to enter the meet, as these have been identified due to there timing within the annual training plan, and suitability for the swimmers.


All meets which the club targets will be publicised and you will receive an email inviting you to enter. You should make sure that you have subscribed to the relevant groups on the club's mailing system Club Organiser. (You can check or update them by going to your invoice account page and selecting  'Subscribe to Mail' from the drop down menu.)


Information about each meet, as well as the club’s meet entry form will be sent out. It is important that you read all the information provided, as there may be qualifying times included in the entry pack which swimmers will need to have to enable them to enter the meet.


Please note that some meets (Masters, Regionals, Open Water, Nationals) will require you to enter as an individual as opposed to through the club.


What Entry Times can I use?


The organising club will be using an electronic entry system, and this will usually check the entry time you have included on your form against your swimmer’s registered times on Swim England Individual Best Times. Click the button and enter your membership number or name to search for your best swimming times. 



The times shown are times that your swimmer has achieved at licensed meets. More information on licensed meets is available from here.


If your swimmer has yet to achieve a time in an event at a licensed meet, some, (usually Level 3,4  meets) may let a swimmer enter without a time. If this is the case, please take advice from the Open Meets Secretary, as to how to enter, and please ask your swimmer’s coach as to which events should be targeted.


Masters meet entries can be different as many Masters meets are not licensed. It is important to note this if you wish to use any times achieved at these meets in a competition which requires that the times have to be achieved at licensed meets (e.g. County Championships).


If your swimmer has a long course and not short course time (or vice versa), please use the time converter (click below) to ensure an accurate time is included on the entry form.




You may find that the organising club’s deadline is later than the one we set; we do this to try and ensure that our swimmers have the best chance of their swims being accepted. This is especially relevant for the meets which have a first come first serve condition. 


You will also find that some meets get too many entries and the organisers do not guarantee that your swimmer will get all the swims they have entered. If this happens they will confirm it before the day and refund the difference.



If you do have any questions about entering swim meets, please ask your swimmer’s coach, or alternatively email: and a response will be sought from the team.


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City of Lincoln Pentaqua Swimming Club is proud to be supported by
Harlequin Glass Designs Ltd

Onyx Trophies


Affiliated to Swim England, Lincolnshire ASA, Swim England East Midlands and a SwimMark accredited club.

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