City of Lincoln Pentaqua Swimming Club
There are lots of factors which contribute to success in swimming, including genetics, training, motivation and resistance to injury and illness. If highly talented, motivated and well trained athletes go into competition, the margin between victory and defeat is usually small.
Attention to every detail can make that vital difference, and nutrition is a key element of a serious swimmer's preparation.
The swimmer's diet affects performance in all events, and the foods that we choose in training and competition will affect how well we train and compete.
Swimmers and parents need to be aware of their nutritional goals and of how they can select an eating strategy to meet those goals.
Nutritional advice is available from a number of sources and you can have a look at the links below.
For those who are really serious about their Diet Plan then the Head Coach will work out a nutritional plan for that swimmer. The swimmer will need to record everything they eat and share this with the coach. There are a number of 'apps' available for this if the swimmer has a phone or can use a parent's phone to record their food intake.
There is a lot of work involved with writing and monitoring a Diet Plan so swimmers need to be serious about following a plan and the parents need to sign up to help the swimmer achieve the nutritional goals.
If interested then send the Head Coach an email by clicking the button below: